Free American History Crafts Activities, Games, Printables

I'm a teacher, homeschooler veteran and history reenactor. During the summer, I teach a 1700s-era dame school at our local history museum "Feast of the Strawberry Moon" encampment. Here are hands-on history crafts and free printables. Use for camping or Memorial Day, summer camp, 4th of July activities. Activities could also work into a unit around Thanksgiving, native Americans or early Americana.

School history. Explain that education wasn't compulsory in the U.S. colonies till 1852 (says Education Bug), then only in Massachusetts. Kids might be taught in "dame schools." Then only basics. Women weren't deemed capable of teaching boys. They taught handicrafts, reading, writing and ciphering. Higher education was taught by men to families who could afford it. Here are free printable history activities from Kidipede. I've linked to the main page so you see the collection.  Free History Activities, Games, Printables, Crafts- Colonial America

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