Much is known about Christian and national holidays. Many Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh and Hindu celebrations are familiar. The holidays that are least known (and ironcially some of the oldest) are pagan or wiccan. I don't practice Wicca, but as a homeschool parent and teacher, I explore different cultures. Here are free printable greeting cards, crafts, games and worksheets for pagan holidays (or sabbats). Coming up April 30 to May 1 is Beltane, also called May Day, Walpurgisnacht or Walpurgis Night. It's celebrated in Celtic, Saxon and German (Teutonic) lore. Beltane is a spring fertility rite that involves dancing around the Maypole and sexual references. Kids need to learn about world views and practices, but use discretion. Here's further description from
Celtic Connection. This articles focuses on Imbolc, but all the resources listed have printables for other Wiccan or pagan sabbats.
Free Printable Pagan Imbolc Activities, Wiccan Sabbat Crafts