Lent begins each year with the Imposition of the Ashes on Ash Wednesday, which in the western calendar for 2008 will begin very early on February 6. Lent begins a 40 day journey of fasting, acts of mercy and spiritual pilgrimage. We try to live, in our poor humble human way, in solidarity with Our Lord as he fasted in the desert for 40 days and made his final pilgrimage to Jerusalem. A Roman cross, torture and crucifixion awaited Him. But so did the glory of Easter, the Resurrection. Lent is a season for intense and deep personal and spiritual reflection.
Here are several well researched websites in line with the Magisterium (the teachings of the Holy Roman Church), the Holy See (seat of Peter) and the catechism. I try to make sure that all Catholic materials have the Nil Obstat and Imprimatur (these are seals of approval from the bishops and of the church that this material does not deviate in any way from Catholic doctrine). Here are lessons to explore Lent:
Free Printable Lenten Lessons and Activities